For companies

Your company can now participate in Group 18
Is your company interested in participating with one or more trainees in Group 18 of Maritime Trainee?
Maritime Trainee Group 18 will start August 2025, with the recruitment period mainly taking place in autumn 2024. The programme is intended for graduates holding a master’s degree in the fields of economics, technology, IT, and law.
The programme is an unique opportunity to capture the most talented candidates in today’s tough job market. The need to stand out is crucial to attract candidates.
The content of the programme is adjusted regularly in consultation with the participating companies. We invite to contact meetings with the companies two times a year.
Please contact project manager of the programme on behalf of Menon Economics, Maren Basso for any further questions:
Phone: +47 90 77 55 42
Why should your company participate in the programme
Company profiling
- Your company will be associated with one of Norway’s leading trainee programmes, thus enhancing its image as an attractive employer.
- Through company presentations and profiling, the programme reaches a significant number of students and other stakeholders. Participating companies are promoted externally.
- The company will be visible on Maritime Trainee’s social media accounts: Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
- The most popular posts on LinkedIn reached 20 000 people during last year’s campaign. These are mainly individuals within the target group (students/graduates).
Access to, and cultivation of, talent
- By participating in the programme, companies can reach candidates they might not otherwise reach. The programme is present at several career days and shares job postings on the programmes’ websites and on a wide range of colleges and universities, both nationally and internationally.
- Trainees develop their skills through lectures and workshops with industry leaders. In addition to visiting leading companies in the industry, both in Norway and abroad.
- Trainees get the chance to grow their networks – all previous trainees will become a part of the Maritime Trainee Alumni Group, which is currently approaching 260 members.
Contribute to industry development
- The Maritime Trainee Programme is important to showcase exciting possibilities in an industry often perceived as conservative.
- Around 270 trainees have already completed in the programme. The majority of them are still working within the industry, and many of them in management positions.
- One of the strengths of the Norwegian maritime industry has been cluster cooperation – the programme helps to connect different segments of the industry, strengthening an already dynamic, world-leading cluster.
Since 2005, close to 270 trainees and over 40 companies have been part of the Maritime Trainee programme.

The following companies are currently part of the programme

Maritime Services

Shipowning Company

Shipowning Company/Maritime Infrastructure

Shipowning Company

Law Firm

Shipowning Company

Drill and Rig Company

Technological Service Provider

Shipowning Company

Shipowning Company

Shipping/Maritime Infrastructure

Shipowning Company

Law Firm

Maritime Insurance
Since 2005 the following companies have participated in the programme